Events. Schloss Neubeuern.

Christmas party 2024

With all my Heart.

Just as warmly and cheerfully as the school year began in September, the Schloss family bid farewell to the well-deserved Christmas holidays. With the motto “With all my Heart”, we wanted to emphasise how much we care about compassion, humanity and “being there for each other” in this difficult year for the whole world. Already in the chapel we came into contact with the whole world through beautiful music and a symbolic gesture by Michael Schlierbach.
Afterwards, a torchlight path lined the route across the south terrace, which always offers a unique and hopeful view into the distance.

Not just for your own enjoyment!
With a glass of “Cava Granada”, everyone greeted each other in high spirits and visited our donation bazaar. Our pupils and mentors worked hard and offered original and creative little things that were sold for a good cause to the “freiRaum e.V.” donation project run by Rosy Mundl and Andreas Schwab. From all kinds of tree decorations to beeswax candle holders, “Christmas in a bag”, dog treats, bracelets, roasted almonds and homemade Christmas cards, there were lots of lovely things on offer. Together with delicious waffles, a good 900 euros were raised, which will now go to children in Sri Lanka and Lebanon. Many thanks to all the helpers, parents and staff who supported the bazaar so well.

Everything in red – like love!
Finally, the bell rang and the doors of the atmospherically decorated and furnished halls opened. A red heart-shaped praline was held protectively in a lovingly folded napkin and a red pomegranate was enthroned in the flower vases in the middle of mistletoe that our craftsmen had “harvested” from our own castle park meadow. Thanks to an elaborate transmission system, the wonderful performances by the pupils and some of the staff could be enjoyed from every seat right into the library. For the past two years, we have celebrated the Christmas party all together on the same evening. Even though we have to spread out over three halls, we are very happy that the pupils whose parents are unable to travel are also able to celebrate with us. After all, nobody should be alone in their room on an evening like this.