Boarding school Schloss Neubeuern

Knowing what to do.


Knowing what to do.

This educational goal has guided us for a hundred years. For us, it means giving our students the supportive framework they need to enrich their knowledge sustainably, to learn to make responsible decisions and to act to the best of their knowledge.

Boarding school Schloss Neubeuern
Knowing what to do.

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More information

The quality of the school determines the quality of life.

For a hundred years, we have been proud of our recognised place in the top group of European boarding schools. A boarding school with ideal learning and living conditions, where young people are able to explore the world and have an impact on it. In a community in which they are well looked after and can develop their potential – with plenty of encouragement and enjoyment.

Day school

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our day school?

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Boarding school

School and boarding school
is for you?

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There is a lot to
discover at
Schloss Neubeuern


What makes us

Schloss Neubeuern Magnificent ambience Charming place Success stories
Your own castle
Who can say they have their own castle? With its own tower and splendid ambience, of course. In a special place with tradition and many success stories. With experiences that will make your eyes light up.
Why Schloss Neubeuern
Warmth Heart and soul Comfort Friendship
The feeling of
What is particularly important to us is that you feel that you are in good hands with us. There is always someone here for you who you can talk to and trust - every door and every heart is open to you.
Community & integration
Developing talent Deepen knowledge The joy of learning Explore & Discover
Funding programme
We are the only boarding school in Bavaria to offer you a Plus-STEM support programme - with a specialisation in natural sciences, technology, computer science and mathematics. With us, you can be curious and develop your talent among like-minded people.
Student advisory service Educational coaching Support lessons Learning together
Support for
the Abitur
Whether at boarding school or day school - the closeness you have to your teachers in our castle family means that you will receive a lot of support and goal-orientated encouragement. The closer the Abitur approaches, the closer our students come together.
Bavarian Abitur
Have fun Beautiful moments Joint adventures Exciting activities
Many experiences
No matter what you experience with us - you experience it with your friends and that makes it unforgettable. Small, very quiet moments, big exciting events or adventurous excursions - it's best to make up your own mind and discover your favourite experience now.
Adventure World – Experiences at a glance
International networking Friends for life Valuable contacts
Worldwide network
What you may not realise at first as a student is our large network of worldwide contacts. These valuable connections will enrich you throughout your life, especially in terms of friendship, but also professionally, and can open many a career door for you.
Sense of community Respectful cooperation Keywords Tradition
Well dressed -
good behaviour
We want you to express your personality through your own creativity and an overall respectful approach. Our school uniform and a smart office look in the senior school are not only a sign of our togetherness, they also support our shared learning.
School clothing

    Discover your Schloss Neubeuern

    Every school decision
    begins with the first step

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    Be part of us.

    School is too valuable to be an everyday occurrence.

    What does community feel like for us?

    Simply good.

    Voices about Schloss Neubeuern

    I believe that a school that only teaches cramming is out of place, but that in the complexity of today’s world, it must instead encourage freer thinking and engagement with the issues. That’s what I think is important today and not this “now you learn pages 1 to 10”, something like that – so that young people are better prepared for the problems out there in the world.

    Dr Thomas Strüngmann
    Former student, class of 1970
    Shareholder of Family Office Athos Service GmbH and shareholder of the Schloss Neubeuern Scholarship Foundation

    I am happy to be at Schloss Neubeuern and grateful for the many friendships I have made here, the great teachers, the unforgettable school trips and, of course, the special environment that Schloss Neubeuern offers us students. I have discovered my personal interest in the natural sciences and the new science centre (MINT Centre) offers us students many opportunities for modern and practical lessons combined with laboratory work, such as the biochemistry practical.
    As a day pupil, I still enjoy the family-like community of the boarding school groups. We do a lot together with our great mentors, such as the annual group trips, karaoke evenings, cooking together or weekend activities.
    Anyone who has the opportunity to visit Schloss Neubeuern should do so!

    Maxime Urschel
    Class 12

    I came to Neubeuern in year nine and it was really my heart’s desire because I realised at my old school that I wasn’t getting the education and support I wanted there. And it’s the individual support that is the beauty of Neubeuern – the fact that so many different characters and nationalities come together here, but everyone is accepted for who they are and appreciated for exactly that. And that’s what I’ve always found really great – that everyone can develop freely here in their own way.

    Felicitas Zimmermann
    Former student, class of 2015

    Neubeuern boarding school was a big surprise for me. After initial scepticism as to whether this format and a boarding school were the right choice for my son, I became more and more enthusiastic about the boarding school, the school and the people every year. He has not only improved his academic performance, but has also grown into a self-confident and responsible person.

    Mother of Silas Huber
    High school graduate 2023

    Schloss Neubeuern means a lot to me. School and boarding school life here is varied and colourful. Numerous activities are offered for pupils, e.g. cookery guild, dance course and much more. As a Chinese student, I attended the International Department and felt particularly at home there – I especially liked the fact that you can receive guests with your home country specialities on the “International Weekend”. Being together with others helped me to grow up – a kind of transformation that makes the transition from teenager to adult possible. Here, at Schloss Neubeuern, you have the opportunity to develop according to your preferences.

    Yu Cao
    High school graduate class of 2023

      More than Abitur

      The most important facts for quick readers
      The Bavarian Abitur are recognised not only in Germany, but worldwide. We have been proud of our good results since 1925.
      Our education plus programme will enrich your Abitur with experience that will open many career doors for you.
      You will get to know companies that you can stay in touch with even after graduating from high school.
      Perfect conditions in small classes promote your talent and your academic development.
      Practical projects and business simulations will inspire you on the entrepreneurship course.
      At our internationally orientated school, you will get to know other cultures, languages and values.
      The whole castle family supports you on your way to the Abitur.

        Get to know Schloss Neubeuern

        Schloss Neubeuern is already waiting to be discovered by you

        Guided tour

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        guided tour on site
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        Virtual tour

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        castle virtually
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        Photo gallery

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        of it yourself
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        Summer Camp

        2 weeks boarding school on trial
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        What's the latest news?
        01. Jul


        NEW 90

        Together with the Neubeuern Rural Education Centre Foundation, we can look back with pride on an...

          Responsibility • Cognition • Independent thinking • Mindfulness • Openness • Tradition • Community •